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The Function: uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics


Removing Trailing Numerics from a String in SQL Server

In SQL Server, there are scenarios where you might need to remove a specified number of numeric characters from the end of a string. Whether it's for data cleaning, formatting, or other purposes, having a custom function to handle this can be incredibly useful. Here, I'll walk you through creating a user-defined function to achieve this.

This function, uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics, takes two parameters: the string from which to remove the numerics and the number of trailing numerics to remove.

Function Definition

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics] ( @field varchar(max), @numToRemove int ) RETURNS Varchar(Max) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here DECLARE @Result Varchar(Max) DECLARE @NumericSuffixLength int -- Calculate the length of the trailing numeric substring SELECT @NumericSuffixLength = LEN(@field) - PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', REVERSE(@field) + ' ') + 1 -- If the number of numerics to remove is greater than the numeric suffix length, -- set it to the numeric suffix length IF @numToRemove > @NumericSuffixLength BEGIN SET @numToRemove = @NumericSuffixLength END -- Remove the specified number of trailing numerics SELECT @Result = LEFT(@field, LEN(@field) - @numToRemove) -- Return the result of the function RETURN @Result END GO

How It Works

  1. Parameters:

    • @field: The input string from which trailing numerics need to be removed.
    • @numToRemove: The number of trailing numeric characters to remove.
  2. Calculating Trailing Numerics:

    • The function uses PATINDEX on the reversed string to find the first non-numeric character from the end, determining the length of the trailing numeric substring.
  3. Conditional Check:

    • If @numToRemove exceeds the length of the numeric suffix, it adjusts @numToRemove to the length of the numeric suffix to ensure there are no errors.
  4. Removing Trailing Numerics:

    • The function then uses the LEFT function to remove the specified number of trailing numeric characters.
  5. Returning the Result:

    • Finally, it returns the modified string without the specified trailing numeric characters.

Usage Example

Let's say you have a string 'Product12345' and you want to remove the last 3 numeric characters. You can call the function like this:

SELECT dbo.uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics('Product12345', 3) AS Result;

The result will be:

Result ------- Product12

If you attempt to remove more numeric characters than are present, the function will only remove the available numeric characters without causing an error.


This custom SQL Server function uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics is a handy tool for anyone needing to manipulate strings by removing a specific number of trailing numerics. By understanding and implementing this function, you can streamline your data processing tasks effectively.


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