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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Function: uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics

  Removing Trailing Numerics from a String in SQL Server In SQL Server, there are scenarios where you might need to remove a specified number of numeric characters from the end of a string. Whether it's for data cleaning, formatting, or other purposes, having a custom function to handle this can be incredibly useful. Here, I'll walk you through creating a user-defined function to achieve this. This function, uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics , takes two parameters: the string from which to remove the numerics and the number of trailing numerics to remove. Function Definition sql CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[uFnRemoveTrailingNumerics] ( @field varchar (max), @numToRemove int ) RETURNS Varchar (Max) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here DECLARE @Result Varchar (Max) DECLARE @NumericSuffixLength int -- Calculate the length of the trailing numeric substring SELECT @NumericSuffixLength = LEN( @field ) - PATINDEX( '%[^0-9]%' , REVERSE