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Showing posts from 2025

Converting SQL Server Binary Image Data to HTML Image URL

  When working with images stored as binary data in SQL Server, you might need to display them in a web application. A convenient way to do this is by converting the binary data into a Base64-encoded string and using it as a data URL in HTML. Best suited for small thumbnail photos or icons. Storing Images in SQL Server Images are often stored in SQL Server as VARBINARY(MAX) columns. For example, a table structure for storing user photos might look like this: CREATE TABLE UserPhotos ( UserID INT PRIMARY KEY, PhotoThumbnail VARBINARY(MAX) ); Converting the Binary Data to a Base64 Image URL SQL Server doesn’t provide built-in functions to encode binary data as Base64, but we can achieve this using FOR XML PATH combined with BINARY BASE64 . Below is a query to transform the binary image data into a Base64 string formatted as a data URL: SELECT CASE WHEN p.PhotoThumbnail IS NOT NULL THEN 'data:image/png;base64,' + REPLACE( RE...