--Creates an 'InLine' Table Valued Function (TVF) -- Author: krishang -- Date: 28 Feb -2011 -- Remark: this function is similar to the uIntIDTotable however takes a string and returns a table with the string value -- sperated by the delimiter. also includes an index which for the elements. create FUNCTION [dbo].[uSplit] ( @Delimiter varchar(5), @List varchar(max) ) RETURNS @TableOfValues table ( RowID smallint IDENTITY(1,1), [Value] varchar(max) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @LenString int WHILE len( @List ) > 0 BEGIN SELECT @LenString = (CASE charindex( @Delimiter, @List ) WHEN 0 THEN len( @List ) ELSE ( charindex( @Delimiter, @List ) -1 ) END ) INSERT INTO @TableOfValues SELECT substring( @List, 1, @LenString ) ...
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